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How to use the long-handled fruit picker?

2023-03-03 | Blog

The Manual Fruit Picker with Long Handle is a tool that can help collect fruits from high places.


fruit picker


Here are the general steps for using a manual fruit picker:


1、Preparations: Confirm that the manual long-pole water picker is intact and operates smoothly. You need to install the long-pole and adjust the length of the long-pole according to your body height.

2、Find the target: Use the manual long handle fruit picker to go under the fruit tree to be collected, and find the target fruit according to the maturity and location of the fruit.

3、Positioning the picking head: Lift the manual long-handle fruit picker to the correct position of the target fruit, and determine the position of the picking head.

4、Picking: place the fruit, make, wrap the fruit, lightly, lightly wrap, lightly or, will, will toggle, will peel, then peel, then peel peel peel

5、Handling the Picked Fruit: Water the picked fruit gently into the basket or container, avoiding stress or damage.

6、End work: When the collection is completed, clean up the collection site and tools. Collect the long-handled water collector and place it in a safe place.


It should be noted that when using a manual long-handled fruit picker, special care must be taken to avoid unnecessary injuries. At the same time, the quality of the tools should be checked before use.

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